What’s Here?
September 2021: Up-to-date legislation (the Prison Rules 1999, Parole Board Rules 2019 and the Young Offender Institution Rules 2000), Judgments in over 1,400 legal cases relating to prisons, brought by prisoners and by prison officers against the Government. The cases go right back to the case of St.Germain in 1979 – the case that chiselled the rights of prisoners to bring judicial review proceedings into human rights bedrock
Landmark Cases*
- Helens Law The Bodyless Case of MacKenney and Pinfold
Books For Prisoners Barbara Gordon Jones
Daly v Secretary of State Legal Letters searching
Leech Governors Adjudications House of Lords
Leech Solicitors Letters legal professional privilege
Raymond v Honey Governor in Contempt of Court House of Lords
St Germain v Hull BOV the case that started it all COA
Tarrant & Others v Home Secretary Legal Representation Adjudications.
Anderson v BOV Wormwood Scrubs Legal Representation Adjudications.
Prison Officer Plaistow v Secretary of State for Justice – Judgment
And 1,400 other prison legal cases too!
All judgements are one-click away – no endless ‘click next page’, ‘click next page’, just one page, all the judgments, click to access or download the judgment you want.
Simple – just as it should be!
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