Prison Law Index 2025
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Published in Association with Reece Thomas Watson Prison and Public Law Solicitors
8th Edition
Editor: Mark Leech
Published: 15th July 2024
ISBN-13: 9781739632366
No. of pages: 256
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The fully revised and updated 2025 edition.
Prison Law Index is the definitive A-Z Index to Prison Law with expert contributions from Prison and Public Law Solicitor Dean Kingham of Reece Thomas Watson Solicitors and expert Prison Law Barristers from No.5 Chambers in London, led by Philip Rule KC. Covering over 400 prison law subjects, from ‘Access to Justice’ through to ‘Zoonotic Infections’, Prison Law Index has up-to-date copies of both the Prison Rules and the Parole Board Rules, and details of Prison Service Instructions, Orders and all the latest MOJ Policy Frameworks – along with a fully revised section on criminal appeals.
Prison Law Index ensures this important subject stays within the reach of those prisoners who it empowers, and the prison law practitioners who it supports. Prison law cases and materials were spread across a myriad of statutes, orders, and case law, now Prison Law Index brings them all skillfully together, in one place, and in a way that is easy to understand.
“This remarkable and much needed book has proven to be invaluable to prisoners and legal practitioners alike.”
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Prison Law Index 2025 – Contents
Prison Law is a hugely important subject, affecting the rights and liberties of over 88,000 people in prison every single day – yet its sources are spread around a plethora of places from statute, to statutory instruments, prison service orders, prison service instructions, advice to governors, circular instructions, standing orders and the latest versions ‘Policy Frameworks’….. and that is where Prison Law Index finds its focus because it brings all those sources together within the pages of a single book!
Prison Law Index – It’s the Definitive A-Z Index to Prison Law Cases & Materials.
Its a fraction of the cost of most law books
The book covers over 400 prison law subjects – from ‘Access to Justice’ to ‘Zoonotic Infections’ this is the ‘must have’ book on Prison Law.
It’s unique A-Z subject list puts all the relevant rules and case law in one easy place.
It’s compiled by a leading Prison Law Solicitors from Reece Thomas Watson, and Prison Law Barristers from No.5 Chambers led by Philip Rule KC.
It contains the Prison Rules and the Parole Board Rules (July 2024) and more.
And it lists all current Prison Service Orders, latest Instructions and Policy Frameworks.
It also has an extra section on Criminal Appeals.
The Editor, 5
Acknowledgements, 5
Introduction by Reece Thomas Watson Solicitors, 6
The Prison Rules 1999 – amended and correct to 1st July 2024, 7
The Parole System, Dean Kingham, Solicitor, Reece Thomas Watson, 33
The Parole Board Rules 2019 amended and correct to 1st July 2024, 39
Parole Board Reconsideration Mechanism, 56
Policy Frameworks, 57
Prison Service Instructions, 80
Prison Service Orders, 83
A-Z Index, 73-242
Access to Justice
Accredited Offending Behaviour Programmes
Advances, cash
After Care (see also Housing and Homelessness)
Aims ( also Purpose of Prison)
Alcohol and tobacco
Allocation ( also Categorisation and Allocation)
Alternative medicine, treatments in prison
Articles, prohibited see Prohibited articles
Assaults – also Civil Claims
Assisted prison visits scheme 5/1998
Association, removal from (also Attendance
Awards see Performance recognition
Beds and bedding
Benefits Advice for Prisoners
Beverage and breakfast packs
Bonuses – see Performance recognition
CARATS see Drugs
Categorisation and Allocation
Category A prisoners
Catering services
Cell sharing risk assessment
Cellular confinement
Chief Inspector of Prisons
Child protection
Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) Childcare
Civil Actions Against the Prison and/or Secretary of State
Civil Justice System, Reform
Civil Partnerships ( also Marriage of Prisoners)
Civil Proceedings
Civil prisoners see Prisoners – civil
Classification ( also Remand Prisoners)
Clinical services for Substance Misusers
Close Supervision Centres
Closed circuit television
Communications of prisoners
Community visits,
Compassionate Grounds, Release
Complaints Procedure (see also Requests and Complaints)
Complementary and alternative (medical) treatments in prison Compulsory testing for controlled drugs see under Drugs
Conduct see Discipline
Confiscation Orders
Contacts, Outside, of Prisoners
Contracted out prisons, parts of prisons and functions PR 82-84
Contracted out young offender institutions, parts & functions YOI 86-88
Contracting out of court escort services
Control & Restraint – see Restraint
Crime & disorder act 1998
Criminal Cases Review Commission Criminal evidence (amendment) act 1997
Criminal justice act
Curfew, prisoners, home detention Custodial care NVQ levels 2 & 3
Custodians of child protection registers
Custody outside a young offender institution YOI 45
Custody outside prison
Damages Claims
Dangerous inmates
Dangerous Severe Personality Disorder (DSPD)
Data protection
Deaths in Custody
Dedicated search teams
Defaulters, securing release of
Delegation by governor
Denying Guilt – see Maintaining Innocence
Dental services for prisoners, Deportation
Directorate of Operations (North) Briefing Unit 37/1997
Disabled Prisoners
Discharge of Prisoners
Discipline (see also Adjudications see also Segregation)
Disinfecting tablets
Display screen equipment
Disruptive prisoners,
DNA Testing
Early Release & Parole see Parole
Earnings, prisoners’
Education (see also Open University)
Education, physical see Physical education
Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) and Identity (ID) for bank account applications by young people
Electronic monitoring and drug testing on licence 13/2001
End of custody licence see Release
Enterprise and work Standard (0200)
Enterprise material funding
Entrepreneurial activities
Escape, assisting prisoner to
Escorted absences for cat. C life sentence prisoners
Estate, Prison Service 33/1999
Ethnic monitoring classification Expenses
Extended Sentences
Ex-gratia payments
Families, Prisoners’
Fire Safety
Fitness strategy
Fixed Term Recall
Flexible working hours
Force, use of (see also Disruptive prisoners)
Foreign Nationals
Forfeiture of remission
Fraud, theft and irregularity Freemason membership,
Games consoles,
Gloves, latex, use of
Grants, discharge see Discharge grants
Hair cutting service
Health and Safety
Health Services for Prisoners
Home Detention Curfew
Hospitality see Gifts
Householders’ allowance, prisoners’
Housing Needs and Homelessness (see also Resettlement)
Human Rights
Identification of prison staff when on duty PSO 8805
Illness or death
Illnesses and conditions PR 21
Immigration and Foreign Nationals
Immigration act detainees,
Imprisonment for Public Protection – see “Lifers”
Incentives & Earned Privileges
Incident Management Manual
Income and receipts
Independent Monitoring Boards
Induction see Prisoner induction
Industrial relations Standard (0200)
Infections, zoonotic PSO 3805
Information for staff
Information technology
Information about Prisoners
Information to Prisoners
Inmates see Prisoners
Instructions see Prison Service Orders and Instructions
Intensive development scheme 5/2004
Interception of communication
Internal communications
Interviews, police see Police interviews
IPP – see “Lifers”
“Judge at your gate”
Judicial Review Procedure
Justice, right of to visit prison
Juveniles see Children see also Young offenders
Key performance indicators and key performance targets – sources and calculations
Laundry equipment
Legal advice & services for Prison Service staff
Legal advisors and courts, visits and correspondence to inmates (see also Access to Justice)
Legal services & Bail
Letters, inmates’ personal (see Prisoners’ Correspondence)
Libraries, Prison
Licence Conditions – see Release, Early – Licence Conditions
Licences for showing DVD/video films in prisons
LIDS data entry
Lifers (Life Sentence / IPP Prisoners)
Indeterminate Sentence Manual
Lodging allowance, prisoners
Losses, special payments and compensation
Magistrates’ training visits to Prison Service establishments
Maintaining Innocence
Maintaining Order in Prisons (see also Segregation)
Maintenance (Technical Order) Marriage (see also Civil Partnerships)
Media (see also Communications, see also Human Rights – Article 10)
Medical attention (see also Health Services for Prisoners)
Medical officers, age retirement
Memory sticks see Removable media
Mental Health
Mother & Baby Units
Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA)
Muslims, Shi’a, religious provision NAME CHANGE see requests from prisoners to change their name
National Insurance
National population census
Newspaper fund
Newspapers, communal
Nursing grades,
OASys – see Offender Assessment and Sentence Management
Observation of prisoners by CCTV
Occupational health see Health and safety
Offence type categories (for risk predictor)
Offences Against Discipline see under Discipline
Offender Assessment and Sentence Management (see also Sentence Planning)
Offending behaviour programmes, accredited (see Accredited Offending Behaviour Programmes)
Officers see Prison officers
Older prisoners – see Health services for prisoners
Open Air, Time in the
Open Government: the code of practice on access to government information
Open Estate see Categorisation and Allocation
Open University
Operational support grades
Oral Hearings
Order and discipline see Discipline
Orders see Prison Service Orders and Instructions
Outside contacts see Contacts, outside
Overtime checklist
Painful tests ACT 17
Parole (see also Recalled Prisoners)
Pay, inmates’ see Work, inmates’
PCL-R see Dangerous Severe Personality Disorder
P.E. equipment
Pension records
Performance management
Performance recognition
Performance standards
Personal injury compensation
Persons having access to a prison see Visitors
Persons unlawfully at large see Unlawfully at Large
Pharmacy services for prisoners
Physical Education
Police and security matters
Police interviews PR 36
Police National Computer
Population census see National population census
Postage checklist
Post incident care for staff
Prison Enterprises
Prison estate
Prison Officers
Prison Service Orders & Instructions
Prison Service Union
Prison Shop
Prisoner Communications (see also Human Rights – Article 10, see also Media) (see also Visits)
Prisoner escort record form, Prisoner Induction
Prisoners’ discharge grants see Discharge grants
Prisoners’ earnings – see Earnings, prisoners
Prisoners’ Information Book
Prisoners’ lodging allowances see Lodging allowances
Prisoners’ property see Property, prisoners’
Prisoners’ travel see Travel, prisoners’
Prisons Ombudsman
Private cash see Cash, private
Privileges ( Incentives and Earned Privileges)
Production of prisoners
Professional standards
Prohibited articles (see also Property, prisoners’)
Prolific and Other Priority Offenders
Property- Prisoners’
Propriety, regularity and value for money
Prospective award of additional days
Protected witness units
Provision of court transcripts Psychologists, prison
Public records see Records
Public Relations
Purpose of prison
Race Relations
Racial offences
Radiation – safety procedures for X-ray equipment
Recalled prisoners (and Fixed Term Recall and see also CJA 1991 Prisoner)
Receipts see Income and receipts
Reception Procedures
Record and Photograph
Records, public
Regime monitoring
Release Dates – see Sentence Calculation
Release, Early
Release of defaulters, securing
Release on Temporary Licence
(and Escorted absences)
Release of dangerous inmates see Dangerous inmates
Remand Prisoners
Remand centres
Removable media
Removal from association see Association, removal from
Repatriation 35/2008
Reporting wrongdoing
Requests and Complaints
Requests from Prisoners to Change Their Name
Restrictions on handing in of property
Retail sales outlets
Retention of accounting documents
Rewards see Performance recognition
Rights of prisoners charged
Risk assessment of prisoners
Risk/fraud management
Rules, prison and YOI
Safer custody – see Suicide
Safer prisons
Safety of Parole Board & BoV members
Samaritans, the role of
Secretary of State
Secure training centres
Security & standards audit action plans
Security arrangements for young offenders
Security awareness training
Security category, reviews, category A prisoners
Security manual
Self care products
Segregation units
Selection, delegation
Self assessment for income tax
Sentence Calculation
Sentence Management and Planning
Sex Offenders
Shadow KPI
Shi’a Muslims, religious provision – see Religion
Shops, prison
Short term prisoners, recall to prison
Sleeping accommodation – see Accommodation
Special bonus scheme
Staff handbook, Prison Service
Staff, identification see Identification of prison staff when on duty
Standards Manual
Standards audit
Submission of requests/complaints, time limits see Requests and complaints
Suggestion schemes
Suicide and Self-Harm (see also Deaths in Custody)
Supply estimates
Tax credits and prisoners
Tax Liaison Officer
Taxes Management Act 1970
Technical manual
Telephone accounts
Television, in-cell
Temporary confinement see Confinement, temporary
Temporary release see Release on temporary licence
Terminally ill prisoners, release see Compassionate grounds
Termination of services
Therapeutic Communities, Democratic
Theft see Fraud, theft and irregularity and their investigation
Time limits for submission of requests/complaints see Requests and complaints
Time in the open air
Transfer of prisoners
Transsexual staff gender reassignment
Transsexual Prisoners
Travel and subsistence
Travel restriction orders
Treatment of Prisoners
Unlawfully at Large (see also sentence calculation)
Union, Prison Service, provision of facilities to individual members
Unsentenced prisoners
Use of force see Force, use of
Vehicles, control of see Control of persons and vehicles
Vehicles, use on official business see Travel and subsistence
Video links between magistrates’ courts and local prisons
Visual display units see Display screen equipment health and safety issues
Viewing – of prisons
Violence Reduction
Vision, Prison Service:
Visitors (see also Searches)
Visitors, boards of see Boards of visitors
Visits (see also Visitors and see also Searches)
Voluntary and community sector
Voluntary drug testing see Drugs
Voting Provisions for Prisoners
Water, gas and electricity accounts
Welfare fund
Welfare of prisoners
Welfare to work
Women prisoners and Mother and Baby Units
Woodcock recommendation
Work, Inmates
YOI Rules
Zoonotic infections
Criminal Appeals, 249-256